I have been puttering away at Rich's web site layout. We have gone through a few ideas and have settled on this one. Now for the coding part! Any suggestions or critiques on the layout would be welcomed!!
In other news Rich asked me to marry him last weekend. We were away on a little mini holiday (MUCH needed break) in Westport Washington. After a wonderful day at sea looking at seabirds 35 miles out and getting a super rare bird (Hawaiian Petrel) we headed out for a nice drive to Tokeland Marina. It was beautiful and the sun was casting a warm golden glow on everything. We then headed back towards Grayland to a little country restaurant that we had found last year. We ordered some crazy organic ales and were completely relaxed and happy in our booth tucked away under warm lighting. And then he asked me. I hardly remember anything he said because of the excitement. I accepted! So happy!